Break records (and rankings).

Open Test LabStarter Test LabPro Test LabElite Test Lab+ Elite
Monthly PriceFree Forever*$47$97$297Custom
Cost Per Metatoken94¢88¢79¢Custom
Multi-Domain Management
Mass Autopublish Titles & H1s
Google Search Console Integration
Projects Dashboard

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I join the beta user program?

    The beta program is open to the first 20 active users who join our waitlist. To join, simply visit the homepage and click “Join The Waitlist.”

    If you are unable to join the beta program, we will still ensure that you stay on the waitlist so that you can be notified about future release updates.

  • What rewards will active beta users receive access to?

    Beta users will receive free access to Metatest Lab’s Agency Lite plan ($97 monthly value) for as long as the tool is in Beta.

    Beta users will also receive a 50% lifetime discount to Metatest Lab, which can be applied anytime after the tool’s official launch.

  • What requirements will beta users need to qualify as “active users”?

    Active beta users will need to set up the tool on a live website. Active users will also be asked to use the tool on their live site + commit to sharing feedback about their experience in the form of one 30-minute call each month while the tool is in beta.

    The live website must be generating at least 1K Organic sessions per month.

    Beta users who can’t meet these requirements or commit to the monthly feedback calls will forego their seats and lifetime discounts.

    In this event, we will pass the Beta seat to an active user next on the waitlist.

  • How long will Metatest Lab be “in Beta”?

    At this exact point in time, we’re unable to provide an official launch date for the tool. However, we are extremely eager to bring Metatest Lab to the public as soon as we possibly can.

    A loose estimate for launch is between 3 and 6 months.

  • What other features will Metatest Lab be adding?

    You didn’t think we’d stop at titles & H1s, did you?

    Metatest Lab has a deeply robust product roadmap, and the feedback that active beta users provide will be pivotal in shaping the tool’s product roadmap.

  • How can the tool be used for more than SEO testing page titles?

    Metatest Lab’s core feature is the Mass Meta Manager. This feature enables users to manage title tags and H1 tags for multiple websites in a single tool.

    We realized that this feature is valuable for more than just title testing because it enables teams to deploy optimizations at scale.

    Managing your page elements means that you won’t need to request changes with your development team, and you won’t need to visit each page in your CMS to make these optimizations one-by-one.

    Ultimately, the Mass Meta Manager is a command center, not just a testing tool.